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So Much Time So Little Strudel

Hello  – it’s been a busy couple of months since last I wrote but I’m  gratefully busy if woefully broke so no change there.

The good news is that work’s been made and productions are soon to be broadcast. Somewhat bizarrely my adaptation of In Patagonia and my new play We Apologise for the Inconvenience were recorded in subsequent weeks and so, after more than a year’s absence, I found myself back in Studio 6a in Broadcasting House.  Here are some studio pics from We Apologise featuring the amazing  Deborah Findlay. Ruth Everett, Asif Khan and Adam Gillen.

As great as it was to be back in 6A I can’t ignore the sad reality that the Radio Drama  Department has now been cut back to almost nothing. What was a bustling, lively and above all creative space offering opportunities to actors, producers and writers both new and experienced is now most terribly depleted. For all that it’s still every inch the honour it always was to see my work so brilliantly produced by such dedicated and talented people on both sides of the studio glass. Long may it continue!


Splinter Cell continues to receive international  plaudits. The great and prolific Paul Cornell and I were jointly awarded the Scribe Awards at the Comic Con in San Diego for our adaptation! While James Swallow picked up an award for Firewall from whence same adaptation was made.

Splinter Cell also won the Binaural Award as the prestigious Prix Nova in Romania

New Pilgrim

Maybe one day ComicCon will pick up on Pilgrim. Speaking of which I can announce that there will be a new Pilgrim special to be broadcast sometime in 2024. ( Can that really be next year? Feels to me like a made up date from an impossible future but, hey..)

Reviews and Previews

Here’s a clipping from the Radio Times for In Patagonia which is to be broadcast next week. (Or was broadcast on August 6 2023 if you’re reading from the future). It was a challenging and somewhat daunting task to take on and adapt this amazing novel. I hope you enjoy it if you find the time to listen.

(apologies for my poor cutting out and making this winky clipping look as if it might be a hostage demand! S)

Patagonia – Radio Times

The Coming Month

Pretty sure the next month is going to be mainly about writing here at my desk and dreaming of a holiday. Thank you so much for reading this and here’s to a safe and happy late Summer.

Thanks again. Sebastian.

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