…but it’s been all go in the basement where I’ve been mixing up the medicine.. or, ah, something
Since last we ate Pilgrim has been released into the ether as has the eight-part podcast series “Lonely No More”. Although we recorded it a little while ago in Cardiff with an amazing cast it’s now available in book and podcast form on Amazon and as a podcast on Apple and Spotify and, well, everywhere and anywhere you access your downloads…
So far the response has been amazing and I’d love for you to hear it not least for its sound design by the brilliant Jon Nicholls. To hear LNM in all it’s awesome Dolby Stereo – ness then I urge you toward Apple podcast where some of it is (still) free to download (I think).
Mr Lamb
I wrote this monologue as a gift for my great friend the actor and director Paul Morel and now the extraordinary Oddbodies has produced this beautiful, haunting film which has been going down a storm at festivals both here and internationally. Here’s a fascinating interview with Paul and Tanya. if you get a chance to see it I can’t recommend it – or Oddbodies – highly enough.
Incidentally Oddbodies’ production of King Lear is touring this year.
Rachinski and Finch
As for right now I’m writing the opening episode of the above mentioned for Sky. More to follow soon….I promise! And finally..
Farewell to..
David Lynch whose brilliance and nightmarish vision made this blogger braver. What a body of work he leaves us.
I’d also like to pay a small personal tribute to the late Tony Slattery who was already a legend in the corridors of Gunnersbury School , Brentford long before he went on to the Cambridge Footlights and well.. you know the rest. The nineteen year old Tony, who I think had already left for University, was very encouraging to the sixteen year old me who’d just written and performed his first play in what was (back then) a strangely hostile school environment. It was a kindness I’ve never forgotten.
So… there’s the latest slice of strudel and, if it’s not too belated, all the very best to you all for the coming year. More soon.